In this post, Examsaga will discuss one of the most important subjects Child Development and Pedagogy notes pdf for Ctet, Uptet, and other various teaching exams. Here all aspirants can download Cdp notes for Ctet, Uptet, Reet in Hindi and English pdf which will help to understand all concept of the psychology of child.
बाल विकास एवं शिक्षण विधि (CDP)-
बाल विकास एवं शिक्षण विधि (CDP) सभी teaching exams जैसे CTET, UPTET, REET आदि के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण subject है |Child-Development-and-Pedagogy के questions जो कि हाइ स्कोरिंग है अगर एक सही ढंग से विधिवत तैयार किया जाए |इसलिए हम आपके लिए CDP Hand-written notes pdf in english and hindi लाए है|
CDP Handwritten Notes-
EXAMSAGA ने बाल विकास एवं शिक्षण विधि के Handwritten Notes तेयार किए है | यह CDP NOTES हिन्दी और english दोनों में है| इस CDP Handwritten Notes में निम्न topic शामिल किए गए है-
1. मनोविज्ञान का अर्थ
2. बुद्धि और इसके प्रकार,कारक
3. बुद्धिमापन और इसकी विधिया
4. चिंतन और इसके प्रकार
5.जीन पियाजे का संज्ञानात्मक विकास का सिद्धांत
6.कोहलबर्ग का नैतिक विकास का सिद्धांत
7. अधिगम और इसके सिद्धांत
11.अभिप्रेरणा और इसके सिद्धांत
12.बाल विकास और इसके सिद्धांत

CDP Notes Pdf In Hindi-
Many aspirants want to prepare child development & pedagogy concepts in Hindi medium. For Hindi medium aspirants, we provide some good Cdp notes in Hindi. It consists of all the topics according to the syllabus of all teaching exams. So these CDP Handwritten Notes in Hindi will helpful for Ctet, Uptet, Reet, Htet and others.
Also Read-
CDP Notes In English-
Here Examsaga provides Child Development & Pedagogy notes pdf in English which includes Piaget cognitive development theory, Kohlberg moral development theory, Vygotsky socio-cultural theory and other concepts and theory. You can download CDP Notes in English pdf for ctet and other exams.
CDP Notes for CTET By Himanshi Singh
Here we provide a list of good books of psychology or CDP for various teaching exams like Ctet KVS Supertet etc.
- R Gupta child development and pedagogy pdf in English and Hindi,
- child development and pedagogy book Arihant pdf in Hindi
- Disha publication Cdp books in English and Hindi
Psychology Special Notes for Ctet Uptet Kvs Supertet
Here we provide a quick revision of some points of psychology notes that will help in Ctet and other exams to get the right answer.
Achievers academy Nisha Sharma Notes Pdf
CDP Marathon Class Notes by Nisha Ma’am
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How do I prepare for CDP?
The best way to prepare for CDP is to prepare according to the syllabus and Ncert books. We also provide CDP notes In Hindi and CDP notes In English according to Ncert and Ctet and another tet syllabus.
Which book is best for CDP?
We provide a list of good CDP Books at or you can click Here for CDP Books.