Practice One Word Substitution for SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO SI, SSC Steno, and SSC MTS, examination and improve your English vocabulary. There are always 1 or 2 questions on one-word substitution asked in SSC CGL CHSL MTS exams. So SSC Aspirants must prepare a one-word Substitution for SSC Examination. We provide some of the previous year’s important one-word Substitution for SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO SI, Steno, and MTS.
Most important One word Substitution
- A Government by the People: Democracy
- A Government by the religious elite: Theocracy
- A person with a long experience of any occupation: Veteran
- Words are written on a tomb: Epitaph
- Stealthily done: Surreptitious
- A Government by a King or Queen: Monarchy
- Something no longer in use: Obsolete
- One not concerned with right or wrong: Amoral
- A person who opposes war or use of military force: Pacifist
- Severely abusive writing in journals: Scurrilous
- Scientific study of bodily diseases – Pathology
- Study of birds – Ornithology
- Study of handwriting – Graphology
- Study of human development – Anthropology
- Study of science of insects – Entomology
- Study of various aspects of aging – Gerontology
- Study of religion – Theology
- One with unlimited power – Autocrat
- An expert in writing by hand – Chirographer
- One who walks on ropes – Funambulist
- One who is all powerful – Omnipotent
- One who believes in ruthless self-aggrandizement – Egoist
- One who doesn’t consume alcohol – Teetotaler
- One who easily believes others – Credulous
- One who is a boot licker, flatterer – Sycophant
- One who has keen interest in food and drinks – Gourmet
- One who loves and admires the British – Anglophile
- Fondness towards women – Phylogeny
- Madness or obsession with males – Andromania
- One who believes in the presence of God – Theist
- One who believes that God is union of all forces of the universe – Pantheist
- One who believes in many Gods – Polytheist
- One who believes in the theory of only one God – Monotheist
- One who doesn’t believe in the presence of God – Atheist
- Having several husbands – Polyandry
- A name framed after father’s name – Patronymic

One Word Substitution MCQ
- Place where animals are killed for food.
(A) Abbot
(B) Abattoir
(C) Abbreviation
(D) Abdication
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Abbot – A man who is the head of a monastery or an abbey.
Abbreviation – A shortened form of a word or phrase.
Abdication – To formally give up.
- Ritual washing of the body.
(A) Ablution
(B) Abstruse
(C) Abundance
(D) Accentuate
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Abstruse – Hard to understand.
Abundance – A quantity that is more than enough.
Accentuate – Give more force or importance to.
- Helper in a wrong deed or crime.
(A) Acronym
(B) Addendum
(C) Accomplice
(D) Advertisement
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Acronym – Word formed from initial letters of a name.
Addendum – Thing to be added at the end of a book, etc.
Advertisement – A public notice offering or asking for goods,
services, etc
- The act of forestation by planting many trees.
(A) Agnosticism
(B) Agenda
(C) Aggressor
(D) Afforestation
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Agenda – Items of business for consideration at a meeting.
Aggressor – Someone who attacks first.
Agnosticism – Doubtful about the existence of God
- One who belongs to different country, race of group.
(A) Alimony
(B) Alien
(C) Allegory
(D) Widow
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Alimony – Allowance fixed after divorce to a wife.
Allegory – Story in which ideas are symbolized as people.
Widow – A woman whose husband is dead
- One who lives and works for the welfare of others.
(A) Amateur
(B) Ambassador
(C) Altruist
(D) Ambidextrous
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Amateur – Lacking professional skill or expertise.
Ambassador – A diplomatic representative of one country in another.
Ambidextrous – Equally skilful with each hand
- Having more than one possible meaning
(A) Ambiguous
(B) Amnesia
(C) Amnesty
(D) Amphibian
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Amnesia – Partial or total loss of memory.
Amnesty – A general pardon of political offenders.
Amphibians – Animals which live both on land and in water
- A designated section of seats in any part of a theatre.
(A) Analgesia
(B) Anarchist
(C) Anarchy
(D) Amphitheatre
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Analgesia – The loss of ability to feel pain while still conscious.
Anarchy – The absence of government in a country.
Anarchist – One who wishes to destroy all established government’s
law and order
- Short amusing story about some real person or event.
(A) Anniversary
(B) Anecdote
(C) Annual
(D) Anomaly
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Anniversary – Yearly return of the date of an event.
Annual- That which happens once in a year.
Anomaly – Deviation or departure from common rule or standard
or what is normal.
- A book or a work of art whose author is not known.
(A) Antagonist
(B) Antidote
(C) Anonymous
(D) Aphasia
Show Ans
Antagonist – One that opposes other.
Antidote – A medicine to cure the effect of poison.
Aphasia – Loss of ability to understand speech
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