Practice Some of the previous years’ important Synonyms for SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO SI, SSC Steno, and SSC MTS, examinations and improve your English vocabulary. There are always 1 or 2 questions on Synonyms asked in SSC CGL CHSL MTS exams. So SSC Aspirants must prepare Antonyms for SSC Examination. We provide some of the previous year’s important Synonyms for SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO SI, Steno, and MTS.
Important English Questions for SSC CGL Download Free PDF

Most important Synonyms Questions for SSC CGL
Q.1 Generic CGL 13/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Specific (b) Precise
(c) Definite (d) Universal
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Q.2 Regime CGL 13/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Territory (b) Rule
(c) Space (d) Country
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Q.3 Dedicated CGL 13/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Boring (b) Committed
(c) Tedious (d) Dreary
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Q.4 Prompt CGL 13/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Quick (b) Gradual
(c) Slow (d) Lengthy
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Q.5 Yield CGL 13/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Plantation (b) Garden
(c) Orchard (d) Harvest
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Q.6 Iota CGL 13/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Bit (b) Box
(c) Lot (d) Bag
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Q.7 Transmit CGL 16/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Convey (b) Accept
(c) Catch (d) Receive
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Q.8 Numerous CGL 16/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Totalled (b) Few
(c) Several (d) Numbered
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Q.9 Chaos CGL 16/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Confusion (b) Fusion
(c) Tension (d) Dirt
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Q.10 Rejuvenate CGL 16/8/2021(Afternoon)
(a) Retell (b) Retake
(c) Reset (d) Refresh
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Q.11 Adjust CGL 16/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Change (b) Shift
(c) Adapt (d) Move
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Q.12 Slack CGL 16/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Active (b) Lively
(c) Careless ` (d) Keen
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Q.13 Munch CGL 17/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Chew (b) Flew
(c) Burp (d) Drew
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Synonyms For SSC
Word | Synonyms | |
1. | Acumen | Awareness, brilliance |
2. | Adhere | Comply, observe |
3. | Abolish | Abrogate, annual |
4. | Abash | Disconcert, rattle |
5. | Abound | Flourish, proliferate |
6. | Abate | Moderate, decrease |
7. | Abject | Despicable, servile |
8. | Abjure | Forsake, renounce |
9. | Abortive | Vain, unproductive |
10. | Absolve | Pardon, forgive |
11. | Accord | Agreement, harmony |
12. | Acrimony | Harshness, bitterness |
13. | Adamant | Stubborn, inflexible |
14. | Adherent | Follower, disciple |
15. | Adjunct | Joined, Added |
16. | Admonish | Counsel, reprove |
17. | Adversity | Misfortune, calamity |
18. | Alien | Foreigner, outsider |
19. | Allay | Pacify, soothe |
20. | Alleviate | Abate, relieve |
21. | Allure | Entice, fascinate |
22. | Ascend | Climb Escalate |
23. | Amplify | Augment, deepen |
24. | Arraign | Incriminate, indict |
25. | Audacity | Boldness, Courage |
26. | Authentic | Accurate, credible |
27. | Awkward | Rude, blundering |
28. | Axiom | Adage, truism |
29. | Baffle | Astound, Faze |
30. | Bewitching | Alluring, charming |
31. | Bleak | Grim, Austere |
32. | Brittle | Breakable, crisp |
33. | Bustle | Commotion, Tumult |
34. | Barbarous | Frustrate, perplex |
35. | Baroque | Florid, gilt |
36. | Barren | Desolate, Sterile |
37. | Barrier | Barricade, Obstacle |
38. | Base | Vulgar, Coarse |
39. | Batty | Insane, silly |
40. | Bawdy | Erotic, Coarse |
41. | Befogged | Becloud, Dim |
42. | Benevolent | Benign, Generous |
43. | Benign | Favorable, friendly |
44. | Bind | Predicament |
45. | Bleak | Austere, Blank |
46. | Blunt | Dull, Insensitive |
47. | Boisterous | Clamorous, rowdy |
48. | Bold | Adventurous |
49. | Busy | Active, Engaged |
50. | Calculating | Canny, Devious |
51. | Calamity | adversity, misfortune |
52. | Callous | obdurate, unfeeling |
53. | Calumny | defamation, aspersion |
54. | Capable | competent, able |
55. | Captivate | Charm, fascinate |
56. | Captivity | imprisonment, confinement |
57. | Cease | terminate, desist |
58. | Chaste | virtuous, pure |
59. | Chastise | punish, admonish |
60. | Compassion | kindness, sympathy |
61. | Comprise | include, contain |
62. | Concede | yield, permit |
63. | Concur | approve, agree |
64. | Consent | agree, permit |
65. | Consequence | effect, outcome |
66. | Consolidate | solidify, strengthen |
67. | Conspicuous | prominent, obvious |
68. | Contempt | scorn, disregard |
69. | Contradict | deny, oppose |
70. | Contrary | dissimilar, conflicting |
71. | Calm | Harmonious, unruffled |
72. | Callous | Insensitive, indurated |
73. | Camouflage | Cloak, disguise |
74. | Candid | Blunt, bluff |
75. | Captivate | Beguile, bewitch |
76. | Carnal | Earthly, fleshly |
77. | Catholic | Generic, liberal |
78. | Celebrated | Acclaimed, lionized |
79. | Cement | Plaster, mortar |
80. | Censure | Rebuke, reprimand |
81. | Cheap | Competitive, Inexpensive |
82. | Clandestine | Covert, fruitive |
83. | Classic | Simple, Typical |
84. | Coarse | Bawdy, Boorish |
85. | Comic | Clown, Jester |
86. | Compact | Bunched, thick |
87. | Compress | Abbreviate, Shrink |
88. | Conceit | Egotism, Immodesty |
89. | Concord | Agreement, accord |
90. | Condemn | Castigate, Chide |
91. | Confident | Bold, Undaunted |
92. | Consolidate | Centralize, Fortify |
93. | Courtesy | Generosity, Reverence |
94. | Creation | Formation, foundation |
95. | Cunning | Acute, Smart |
96. | Decay | Collapse, decompose |
97. | Deceit | deception, artifice |
98. | Decipher | interpret, reveal |
99. | Defile | contaminate, pollute |
100. | Defray | spend, pay |
Synonyms for SSC PDF Free Download
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