Check SSC JE Syllabus 2022 and SSC JE Exam Pattern 2022 provided by SSC on its official website
SSC JE Syllabus 2022: Overview
The Staff Selection Commission is an agency that conducts a recruitment drive for the post of SSC Junior Engineer JE (Civil / Electrical / Mechanical) every year. The selection process consists of 2 stages of written examination. The first paper is tier-1 which is an objective type examination and the second paper is tier-2 which is a descriptive type paper. The SSC JE Syllabus of both tier 1 and tier 2 paper is given in this post. An aspirant must look into it and start their preparation for the upcoming SSC JE 2022 according to SSSC Junior Engineer JE 2022 Syllabus.
- SSC Junior Engineer JE Online Form 2022
- SSC CPO SI Online Form 2022
Organisation | SSC |
Post | SSC Junior Engineer JE (Civil / Electrical / Mechanical) 2022 |
Latest Vacancies | 4300 |
Category | SSC, Syllabus |
Exam Level | India Level |
Exam Mode | Online CBT |
Exam Type | Tier -1 Objective Tier -2 Descriptive |
Job location | India |
Salary | Rs 35400-112400/- |
Official Website | |

SSC JE Exam Pattern 2022
Paper I Exam Pattern
The details of the computer-based examination are mentioned below
- The question paper will be of Objective Type Multiple Choice only.
- There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer
- Total time duration = 2 Hour
Subjects | No.of Ques | Max no |
General Intelligence & Reasoning | 50 | 50 |
General Awareness | 50 | 50 |
(iii) Part-A General Engineering (Civil & Structural) or Part-B General Engineering (Electrical) or Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical) | 100 | 100 |
Total | 200 | 200 |
Paper II Exam Pattern
- Paper 2 is a descriptive type.
Subject | Marks | Time |
Part-A General Engineering (Civil & Structural) or Part-B General Engineering (Electrical) or Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical) | 300 | 2 Hour |
SSC JE Syllabus of Paper 1
SSC JE Paper 1 consists 3 subjects-
- General Intelligence and Reasoning
- General Awareness
- General Engineering
SSC JE Syllabus of General Intelligence and Reasoning
General Intelligence & Reasoning section covers both verbal and non-verbal type questions. Topics that were covered in this section are analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, etc topics. It also includes the questions which test the candidate’s abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationships, arithmetical computations, and other analytical functions.
SSC JE Syllabus of General Awareness
Questions asked in this section tend to test knowledge of the candidates in current events and of such matters of everyday observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person. It also includes questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, Scientific Research, etc.
SSC JE Syllabus of Electrical Engineering
Basic concepts, Circuit law, Magnetic Circuit, AC Fundamentals, Measurement and Measuring instruments, Electrical Machines, Fractional Kilowatt Motors, single-phase induction Motors, Synchronous Machines, Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Estimation and Costing, Utilization, and Electrical Energy, Basic Electronics.
SSC JE Syllabus of Civil Engineering
Building Materials, Estimating, Costing and Valuation, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Hydraulics, Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering
Structural Engineering: Theory of Structures, Concrete Technology, RCC Design, Steel Design.
SSC JE Syllabus of Mechanical Engineering
Theory of Machines and Machine Design, Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Properties of Pure Substances, 1st Law of Thermodynamics, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Air standard Cycles for IC Engines, IC Engine Performance, IC Engines Combustion, IC Engine Cooling & Lubrication, Rankine cycle of System, Boilers, Classification, Specification, Fitting & Accessories, Air Compressors & their cycles, Refrigeration cycles, Principle of Refrigeration Plant, Nozzles & Steam Turbines. Properties & Classification of Fluids, Fluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure, Fluid kinematics, Dynamics of Ideal fluids, Measurement of Flow rate, basic principles, Hydraulic Turbines, Centrifugal Pumps, Classification of steels.
SSC JE Syllabus of Paper 2
Part-A: Civil & Structural Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Building Materials
- Estimating, Costing and Valuation
- Surveying
- Soil Mechanics
- Hydraulics
- Irrigation Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Theory of structures
- Concrete Technology
- RCC Design
- Steel Design
Part-B (Electrical Engineering)
- Basic concepts
- Circuit law
- Magnetic Circuit
- AC Fundamentals
- Measurement and measuring instruments
- Electrical Machines
- Fractional Kilowatt Motors and Single Phase Induction Motors
- Synchronous Machines
- Generation, Transmission and Distribution
- Estimation and costing
- Utilization of Electrical Energy
- Basic Electronics
Part- C (Mechanical Engineering)
- Theory of Machines and Machine Design
- Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials
- Thermal Engineering
- Properties of Pure Substances
- 1st Law of Thermodynamics
- 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
- Air standard Cycles for IC engines
- Rankine cycle of steam
- Boilers
- Fluid Mechanics & Machinery
- Properties & Classification of Fluid
- Fluid Statics
- Measurement of Fluid Pressure
- Fluid Kinematics
- Dynamics of ideal fluids
- Measurement of Flow rate Basic Principles
- Hydraulic Turbines
- Centrifugal Pumps
- Production Engineering
- Classification of Steels
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