UP Police SI 2021 Syllabus | Exam Pattern

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In this post, Examsaga provides a detailed view of the UP Police SI Syllabus and UP Sub-Inspector exam pattern by the Uttar Pradesh police recruitment and promotion board (UPPRPB). If you want to appear in the UP SI 2021 exam, you must see the UP SI syllabus and UP SI exam-pattern.

UP Police SI 2021 Syllabus | Exam Pattern

उत्तर प्रदेश में उप निरीक्षक (UP Sub-inspector/UP SI),पीएसी में प्लाटून कमांडर और  अग्निशमन द्वितीय अधिकारी की सीधी भर्ती उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस भर्ती एवं प्रोनति बोर्ड ,लखनऊ द्वारा निकाली जाती है। 

If you also want to become platoon commander in PAC, fire officer II, and UP SI, then here We provide the UP SI syllabus, exam pattern, and also another post syllabus too. All these posts are held simultaneously and the syllabus, exam pattern is the same.

UPPRPB के अनुसार UP SI Syllabus and exam-pattern नीचे topic -wise Hindi और  English दोनों में दिया है| 


UP Police SI Exam Pattern :

UP Police SI का exam तीन चरणों stages में होता है | 
  1. Written Examination
  2. Documentation & Physical Standard Test (PST)
  3. Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

 1 . Written Examination of UP SI 2021

UP SI (Sub Inspector), Platoon Commander in PAC, and Fire Officer II have written examinations through the ONLINE exam.

Which contains a total of 160 questions and which consists of a total of 400 marks. There is no negative marking in it. 

UP Police SI Exam Pattern for Written Examination

Total time – 120 minutes 
Negative marks – No

Qualifying Marks – 35 in each subject.

Subjects Total
General Hindi
सामान्य हिन्दी 
40 100 35
मूल विधि /सविधान /
सामान्य ज्ञान 
40 100 35
Numeric&general ability
संख्यात्मक &मानसिक योग्यता


40 100 35
Mental Aptitude Test/
Intelligence Test/Test of 
Reasoning मानसिक अभिरुचि 
परीक्षा /बुद्धिलब्ध परीक्षा 
40 100 35

2.Documentation & Physical Standard Test (PST)

Category Height Chest
Gen/OBC/SC Male 168cms 79-84cms
ST Male 160cms 77-82cms
Gen/OBC/SC Female 152cms n/a
ST Female 145cms n/a
Minimum weight for WOMEN -40 KG.

3.Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

इस टेस्ट में दौड़ होती है।


Male – 4.8 KMs in 28 minutes.
Female – 2.4 KMs in 16 minutes.

UP Police SI 2021 Syllabus:

Here you can download a pdf of the UP Police SI Syllabus and Platoon Commander in PAC and Second Officer of Fire Fighting Syllabus in both Hindi and English.T
This UP SI Syllabus pdf  will help the student to understand the syllabus and exam pattern of the UP SI 2021 exam