100 Important CDP Questions For Ctet 2024 PDF

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We have provided 100+ Important Child Development & Pedagogy Questions for CTET 2024. These are the most important Child development CDP questions for CTET & other Exams like UPTET, MPTET, DSSSB, KVS, HTET, etc. Aspiring candidates are strongly encouraged to practice these CDP questions, available in both English and Hindi. We also provided a downloadable PDF containing these 100+ CDP questions.

Child Development & Pedagogy Questions for CTET

Child Development and Pedagogy (CDP) play an important role in Ctet or any other teaching eligibility test. There are 30 questions of Child Development & Pedagogy asked in every Ctet examination.

Child Development and pedagogy help the teacher to understand the psychology of the child which is required for teaching and learning in the classroom. Child Pedagogy also develops a pedagogical perspective to guide a teacher in developing effective evaluation, assessment strategies, and learning experiences for their teaching. So Practicing CDP Questions For CTET is important to becoming a good teacher.

We have provided some of the best and most asked CDP Questions For Ctet In English so that every Ctet aspirant can get a good understanding of CDP Mcq. Aspirants can easily score high marks in the CDP section if they have a clear understanding of the basic concepts.

Important Topics For CDP Question in CTET

There are some topics that are most important for Ctet exams. If we look at some of the previous year’s Ctet papers then we find that most of the questions are asked from given topics-

  • Piaget,
  • Kohlberg
  • Vygotsky
  • NCF 2005
  • NEP 2020

Most Important CDP questions for CTET Exam

Our team has given more than 100 important multiple-choice questions about Child Development Pedagogy for CTET and other TET exams. These questions are crucial for your preparation. All candidates preparing for Ctet must practice these CDP Important MCQs to score well in their exams.

Q1. Defence mechanisms help the person in protecting the ego from the open expression of Id impulses and opposing.
(a) Superego directives
(b) Death Instinct
(c) Lie Instinct
(d) Unconscious mind

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Q2. Neurotic anxiety is one in which there occurs an emotional response to a threat to the ego that the impulses may break through into.
(a) Consciousness
(b) Unconsciousness
(c) Subconsciousness
(d) Superego

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Q3. “A young woman after fighting with her husband returned to her parents home only to allow her parents to “baby” her and fulfil their every wish like that of a child”. This is an illustration of.
(a) Repression
(b) Regression
(c) Fixation
(d) Reaction Formation

Ans. (b)

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Q4. The last stage of psychosexual development is.
(a) Phallic Stage
(b) Genital Stage
(c) Oral Stage
(d) Anal Stage

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Q5. Sigmund Freud has regarded the first three stages of psychosexual development i.e the period of 5 or 6 years of life, to be decisive for the formation of.
(a) Intelligence
(b) Personality
(c) Emotion
(d) Ego

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Q6. The “Super ego” is the equivalent of what is more commonly known as the.
(a) Conscience
(b) Personality
(c) Libido
(d) Narcissism

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Q7. According to Freud, the negative Oedipus complex may lead to.
(a) Heterosexuality
(b) Homosexuality
(c) Narcissism
(d) Castration

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Q8. The idea of developmental stages was borrowed from Freud.
(a) Biology
(b) Sociology
(c) Anthropology
(d) Physics

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Q9. Dreams represent demands or wishes stemming from the.
(a) Unconscious
(b) Conscious
(c) Preconscious
(d) Death Instinct

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Q10. In a special book, Freud analyzed the psychology of error and found the source of errors in the conflict between.
(a) Ego and Superego
(b) Unconscious wish and conscious censorship
(c) Conscious wish and unconscious censorship
(d) Ego and preconscious

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Q11. Which is the place where the child’s ‘cognitive development is defined in the best way?
(a) Auditorium
(b) Home
(c) Playground
(d) School and classroom environment

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Q12. Which of the following is not related to the social-psychological needs of the child?
(a) Regular elimination of waste products from the body
(b) Need for company
(c) Need for appreciation or social approval
(d) Need for emotional security

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Q13. ‘Mind mapping’ refers to
(a) Drawing the picture of the mind
(b) Researching the functioning of the mind
(c) A technique to enhance comprehension
(d) A plan of action for an adventure

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Q14. A teacher should make an attempt to understand the potentialities of her/his students. Which of the following fields is related to this objective?
(a) Media-Psychology
(b) Educational Psychology
(c) Educational Sociology
(d) Social Philosophy

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Q15. “Children actively construct their understanding of the world” is a statement attributed to:
(a) Kohlberg
(b) Skinner
(c) Piaget
(d) Pavlov

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Q16. Irfan breaks toys and dismantles them to explore their components. What would you do?
(a) Never let Irfan play with toys
(b) Always keep a close watch
(c) Encourage his inquisitive nature and channel his energy
(d) Make him understand that toys should not be broken

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Q17. A child starts to cry when his grandmother takes him from his mother’s lap. The child cries due to
(a) Social anxiety
(b) Emotional anxiety
(c) Stranger anxiety
(d) Separation anxiety

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Q18. Which of the following statements is correct in relation to ‘concept formation’ by a child?
(a) Concepts are emotionally ordered
(b) There is a set pattern of concept development
(c) Concepts are not hierarchical in nature
(d) Concepts are not individual

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Q19. Which of the following is not a component of cognition?
(a) Feelings
(b) Thoughts
(c) Attention
(d) Perception

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Q20. Of the following, the greatest advantage of interdisciplinary instruction is that.
(a) Students are less likely to develop a dislike for particular topics of different subject areas
(b) Teachers are permitted greater flexibility in planning lessons and activities
(c) Students are given opportunities to generalize and apply newly learned knowledge in multiple contexts
(d) Teachers are less likely to feel overwhelmed by the multiplicity of topics needed to be addressed in a traditional curriculum

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Created on By EXAMSAGAExamsaga

1 / 5

According to Jean Piaget, which of the following are the four factors that influence development?

2 / 5

Which of the following is an example of the use of fine motor skills?

3 / 5

Which of the following currency is used in Abu Dhabi?

4 / 5

Sheela has taken up sub theme ‘Animals’ to teach class – III students. Which of the following activities will be beneficial for extension of their learning.

5 / 5

Assertion (A): Delay in the physical development of children can be attributed entirely to their genetic makeup.
Reason (R): Hereditary factors are solely responsible for the physical development of children.
Choose the correct option.

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The average score is 52%


Previous Year CDP Questions For Ctet In English

Question1. The word ‘Socialisation’ means
(1) following social norms relentlessly
(2) revolting against social norms
(3) understanding the social diversity
(4) adjusting to the society

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Question2.Which of the following is NOT a feature of a child-centred outlook?
(1) Each child makes his or her curriculum.
(2) Children are inactive participants.
(3) Each child is unique in its own way.
(4) Each child has a right to education.

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Question3.”Thought not only determines language but also precedes it.” Who among the following set forth this idea?
(1) Jean Piaget
(2) Kohlberg
(3) Pavlov
(4) Vygotsky

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Question 4. Which of the followings theory best describes the ‘Heinz’s Dilemma’?
(1) Vygotsky’s theory
(2) Piaget’s theory
(3) Kohlberg’s theory
(4) Binet’s theory

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Question 5. The environmental factors that shape development include all of the following except
(1) quality of education
(2) quality of nutrition
(3) culture
(4) physique

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Question6.Which of the following implications can’t be derived from Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
(1) Children’s desire to learn
(2) Need of verbal teaching
(3) Acceptance of individual differences
(4) Discovery learning

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Question 7. ____ can be best used in teaching to encourage democratic living among students.
(1) Lecture method
(2) Social interaction
(3) Experimental method
(4) Discovery method

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Question 8. Physical traits such as height, eye colour, bone structure and hair are
(1) primary qualities
(2) secondary qualities
(3) not inherited
(4) inherited

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Question 9. Piaget proposes that preoperational children are unable to conserve. Which of the following factors attributes this inability?
(1) Inability of hypothetic-deductive reasoning
(2) Irreversibility of thought
(3) Lack of high-level abstract reasoning
(4) None of the above

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Question 10. Development starts from the
(1) stage of infancy
(2) pre-natal stage
(3) pre-childhood stage
(4) post-childhood stage

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Question 11. The use of technology to enhance learning process is called _ in education.
(1) IT
(2) ICT
(3) Communication technology
(4) Information technology

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Question12. “Individual learns from his own mistakes” This statement is based on which learning theory?
(1) Instrumental conditioning
(2) Insight
(3) Trial & Error
(4) Classical conditioning

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Question13. According to John Dewey, school is _ an institution, and education is a _
(1) Social, Social
(2) Social, Philosophical
(3) Philosophical, Philosophical
(4) Environmental, Psychological

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Question14. At the pre-primary stage reading aloud while writing is given importance. This is based on which theory
of learning?
(1) Trial & Error
(2) Conditioning
(3) Insight
(4) Imitation

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Question15. According to Jean Piaget, children develop abstract logic and reasoning skill during:
(1) Sensorimotor stage
(2) Preoperational stage
(3) Formal operational stage
(4) Concrete operational stage

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16.Gifted students are
A.non-assertive of their needs
B.independent in their judgments
C.independent of teachers
D.introvert in nature

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Q 17.The cardinal principles of learner centered education are

A.Learning by doing
B.Learning by living
D.None of these

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Q18. is the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.

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Q19.Adolescents may experience
A.feeling of self-actualization
B.feeling of satiation about life
C.anxiety and concern about themselves
D.feeling of fear about sins committed in childhood

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Q20.How a “Teacher” should behave with the students?
A.Father Like
B.Friend Like
D.Elder Like

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Q21.Smallest unit of meaning in a language is

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Q22.Intelligence testing is useful for knowing __

A.Individual difference
B.Mental retardation
C.Educational backwardness
D.All of these

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Q23.The process of expansion of an individual’s capacities quantitatively, should be termed as:

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Q24.The teaching-Learning process is fundamentally completed in

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Q25.In which of the following stages the child looks self-centred?
B.Early childhood

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Download 100 Child Development Pedagogy CDP Important Questions PDF

Candidates can download these 100 Child Development Pedagogy CDP Important Questions PDF. These 100 CDP questions are designed in such a way that cover all the important topics for the Ctet exam. These questions are available in both Hindi and English languages.

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