CTET English Pedagogy:Method of Teaching English

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CHAPTER 03Teaching Of English

Method of Teaching English-:

  1. An old method or classical method
  •  Translation cum grammar method
  • Natural or Direct method 

2. New method

  • Dr.West’s method
  • Substitution method
  • Bilingual method 

1. Translation cum Grammar Method:- 

·This method is also known as the grammar translation method. This method is the oldest method of teaching English in the country. When English was introduced in India in the 18th century, it began to be taught through the translation method.

·In the translation method, the English teacher translates each and every word, phrase and sentence from English into the mother tongue of the students. Teaching a foreign language through the translation method is easy, quick and economical.

  • · Parallel study of two languages
  • ·Known to Unknown
  • ·Vocabulary increases with the help of mother tongue.
  • · Focus on the rules of grammar.
  • ·Abstract words and phrases can also be explained with the help of a translation method.
  • ·It is less time-consuming.
  • ·  In this word is the unit of speech.


· The natural order of learning listening speaking reading writing is not followed. In this method, reading comes first and speaking afterwards, which is unnatural.

  • It does not provide the practice of structures and sentence patterns.
  • It gives focus to narration so pronunciations are totally neglected.
  • It is a dull method.

2. Direct Method:-

· This method is also called the Natural Method. In this method, the mother tongue is not used at all. The teaching is English to English so that a direct bond in learning may be developed.

· The Origin of this method was in FRANCE in 1901. And the important principles were propounded in Germany.

·Main focus on fluency of speech.

· Direct bond between the word and their meaning(means meaning of English word comes to understand in English)

  • In this sentence is the unit of speech.
  • It follows the principle of Whole to Part. e.g. sentence to words.
  • It is full of activities.
  • It uses audiovisual ads.


·        The atmosphere of teaching English in our schools for direct method of teaching created by the teacher disappears after schools.

·        It does not give focus on writing and reading.

·        Lack of suitable teachers

·        It is a difficult and expensive method.

3. Bilingual Method:-

·The direct method does not allow the use of the mother tongue. But it was felt that sometimes the use of mother tongue becomes necessary. So a modified method should be used in which the mother tongue may be used whenever necessary. This was called the Bilingual method.

·Bilingual method is a new method invented by Prof C.J. Dodson of Wales. It is a midway approach between the grammar-translation method and the direct method. In the bilingual method, the teacher uses the mother tongue for explaining the meaning of only difficult words but in the translation method, each word is translated in the mother tongue. 

· It increases fluency. In this method like the indirect method, the student is given a lot of practice in speaking English.

·        It is less costly than Direct method.

·        It saves the time by expressing difficult word in mother tongue.

·        It creates the linguistics habits.


·        It may create confusion among students due to contrast and comparison between the two languages.

·        It is not useful for high or senior stage. At senor stage Direct method is better to be used.

·        It develops an undesirable habit of language mix up of thinking.

·        Which method is the best?

·        Bilingual method

4. Dr.West’s Method:-

·        Dr.West’s Method is known after the name of its inventor Dr.M.P. West.

·    He develops reading skill in students. He believes that Reading is the shortest road to learning.

·        Promotes reading

·   No teacher required. By self-education you can learn English through reading skill.

·        Develops taste in literature.


·        Ignore speaking, writing, and listening

·        No activities. So it is a dull process.

Some more methods:-

5. Audio-lingual Method:-

• It is also called the Army method because in World War 2 many countries are come together and fought against the enemy. So armies of the different countries come together so they learn some phrases or lines to communicate better.

• Focuses on the acquisition of structures and patterns in common everyday dialogue.

• Focuses on listening and speaking.

6. Communicative Language Teaching(CLT):-

• In this we learn the target language (English) by communication in our society or class.

• This method advocates linguistic competence and performance.

7. Situation method:- 

• Also known as SOS (structural oral situation approach) approach.

• Language must be taught in a realistic way. Teachers can put a different situation