Get deled 3rd semester math syllabus and others subjects by downloading d.el.ed 3rd semester syllabus in hindi pdf according to officially Scert,lucknow DELED 3rd Semester Syllabus 2022
Deled 3rd semester syllabus in Hindi: In this post, Examsaga will provide UP Deled 3rd semester Syllabus Pdf for Up deled(Btc) Students. Up deled us a 2-year diploma course for the teacher . UP deled 3rd sem students can download their UP Deled 3rd semester Syllabus Pdf which includes all the BTC 3rd sem subjects like maths, and science syllabus in Hindi.
UP Deled 3rd Semester Syllabus Subjects
There is a total of 7 subjects in UP deled 3rd semester. Here we provide a complete list of all the UP Deled 3rd Semester Syllabus Subjects. Deled 3rd sem students must look into it and make a study plan for Deled 3rd sem exam.
- शैक्षिक मूल्यांकन, क्रियात्मक शोध एवं नवाचार (Educational Evaluation, Action Research and Innovation)
- समावेशी शिक्षा (Inclusive Education)
- गणित (Math)
- विज्ञान (Science)
- सामाजिक अध्ययन (Social Science)
- हिंदी (Hindi)
- संस्कृत (Sanskrit)
UP Deled 3rd Semester Exam pattern
Subjects | Max Marks |
शैक्षिक मूल्यांकन, क्रियात्मक शोध एवं नवाचार | 50 |
समावेशी शिक्षा | 50 |
विज्ञान | 25 |
गणित | 25 |
सामाजिक अध्ययन | 50 |
हिंदी | 25 |
संस्कृत | 25 |
कम्प्यूटर | 25 |
- Ctet Previous Year Paper Pdf
- Uptet Previous Year Paper Pdf
- Htet Previous Year Paper Pdf
- Utet Previous Year Paper Pdf
UP Deled 3rd semester Syllabus Pdf Download
Here 3rd sem students can download UP Deled 3rd semester Syllabus Pdf. This syllabus is officially provided by Scert, Lucknow. In this pdf, you can get all the necessary information on each subject of Deled 3rd sem subject in Hindi.

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